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Phorum 3 forums (READ ONLY)

These forums were for supporting the old phorum3.x-versions. They are now read only.

Folder List Phorum 3 forums (READ ONLY) Topics Posts Last Post

Phorum3 Support Forum (READ ONLY)

This forum was used for supporting Phorum 3 users.

7,128 26,432 March 05, 2006 07:10AM

Documentation Forum (READ ONLY)

This is a forum where users can contribute and discuss documentation for Phorum version 3.

49 322 April 16, 2005 09:42PM

Finished Mods and Plug-ins (READ ONLY)

If you've done interesting mods and/or plug-ins post them here, if they Finished
Note: All questions about finished mods/plug-ins should be posted in the topic of the mod/plugin. Do not make new topic.

132 1,059 December 09, 2004 04:34PM

Beta Mods and Plug-ins (READ ONLY)

Done something great, but doesn't work correctly yet? Post it here anyway and we'll help you put it to great condition.

54 276 August 24, 2004 06:43AM

Graphics for Phorum 3 (READ ONLY)

If you've done some nice Phorum icons or if you have some good images that would work with Phorum. Post it here, and some people might use it.

27 133 September 14, 2011 06:17AM

Mod Requests and Suggestions (READ ONLY)

Come here to post your new mod ideas.

371 826 July 09, 2005 07:52AM
Phorum Support Forums - Forum Statistics

Topics: 18,064, Posts: 93,006, Users: 8,131.
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